Road Names

Road/Lane Names in Brittas

What is in a name? Especially when a nickname is created and just clicks. So many lanes and so many names.

Here is a few we know of and if we have have missed any, contact us at info@thebrittasblog,ie


The old people in my district state, that the present roads, have only been made quite recently.
They state that the main Dublin road to Waterford, now passing through Brittas, used to come up the Slade of Saggart, and on up by Slade Mor, and down by Sandy Banks.
This was called the old coach road.
Now part of this old road is done away with, and new roads have been made in their stead. Parts of this road are now not even used for paths.
The remains of the road which ran through the Slade is to be seen still. The road running by Slade Mor, is still a by-road to Kilteel.
There is another road eastwards from Brittas called the Aughfarrel road, leading to Kilbride camp.
This road must have got its name from a ford, across some river in the locality.

Ballinascorney R114 60KMPH

The R114 runs all the way from the City Centre to Brittas!

Mount Seskin Road 60KMPH

This road used to be a challenger for Climbers back in the day and would they would record their quickest times on completing 'The Climb' of Mount Seskin from the old Hazel Golf Club

McDonaghs Lane 80KMPH

Should we call it McDonaghs Road with all the traffic lately or Make it McDonaghs Cul De Sac?